temas codeblocks

Temas de cores personalizadas para a IDE Code Blocks

Se você, assim como muitos programadores, não é muito fã do velho e tradicional fundo branco, veja como instalar diversos temas na IDE Code Blocks no sistema operacional Windows 10.

Esta página apresenta uma lista de temas customizados que é uma contribuição dos usuários da IDE Code Blocks.

Existem temas claros e escuros e os temas a seguir foram configurados apenas para C/C++. As demais linguagens não sofreram alteração e permanecem com o tema padrão.

Syntax highlighting custom colour themes

This page lists syntax highlighting custom colour themes contributed by Code::Blocks users.

There are dark themes and light themes. Custom colours are configured on each theme on a per-language basis. The themes below have been configured for C/C++ only; other languages are unchanged from the default colour theme.

Temas / Themes

1 Bright Yellow
2 Dark Gray
3 Espresso Libre
4 Idel
5 KFT2
6 Modnokai Coffee
7 Modnokai Night Shift
8 Modnokai Night Shift v2
9 Oblivion
10 Slush n’ Poppies
11 Solarized Dark
12 Solarized Light
13 Son of Obsidian
14 Sublime
15 Vim
16 Volcanic

1 Bright Yellow

Bright Yellow

2 Dark Gray

Dark Gray

3 Espresso Libre

Com este tema talvez seja necessário alterar algumas configurações, como a cor do cursor por exemplo. Isso pode ser feito no menu: Settings/Editor/Margins and caret/caret. Outra opção que você pode testar ativar ou desativar é a marcação da linha onde está o cursor em: Settings/Editor/General settings/Other editor settings/Highlight line under caret.

You might want to set Settings/Editor/General settings/Other editor settings/Highlight line under caret to disabled with this theme.

Espresso Libre

4 Idel


5 KFT2

Com este tema talvez seja necessário alterar algumas configurações, como a cor do cursor por exemplo. Isso pode ser feito no menu: Settings/Editor/Margins and caret/caret. Outra opção que você pode testar ativar ou desativar é a marcação da linha onde está o cursor em: Settings/Editor/General settings/Other editor settings/Highlight line under caret.

want to set Settings/Editor/General settings/Other editor settings/Highlight line under caret to disabled with this theme.


6 Modnokai Coffee

Modnokai Coffee

7 Modnokai Night Shift

Modnokai Night Shift

8 Modnokai Night Shift v2

Modnokai Night Shift v2

9 Oblivion


10 Slush n’ Poppies

Slush n' Poppies

11 Solarized Dark

Solarized Dark

12 Solarized Light

Solarized Light

13 Son of Obsidian

Son of Obsidian

14 Sublime


15 Vim


16 Volcanic

Thanks to DragonDePlatino


Para instalar estes temas na IDE Code Blocks você precisa de um arquivo chamado colour_themes.conf. Você pode baicar este arquivo aqui. Contudo, este arquivo não possui o último tema apresentado, o Volcanic. Este arquivo será baixado com a extensão xml, você precisa renomear o arquivo e retirar o xml. O vídeo no final desta página mostra o passo a passo de como fazer isso. Se você não consegue ver a extensão do arquivo você pode verificar no seu sistema operacional se a opção ocultar extensão de arquivos está ativa e desativá-la.

Outra possibilidade é copiar o código a seguir, que contém todos os temas apresentados aqui, e criar um arquivo com o nome colour_themes.conf.

O vídeo no final desta página mostra como instalar estes novos temas na IDE Code Blocks.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<CodeBlocksConfig version="1">
            <str><![CDATA[modnokai night shift v2]]></str>
               <str><![CDATA[bright yellow]]></str>
                     <colour r="255" g="255" b="208" />
                     <colour r="255" g="255" b="208" />
                     <colour r="158" g="158" b="158" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="158" g="158" b="158" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="158" g="158" b="158" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="158" g="158" b="158" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="128" g="128" b="128" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="128" g="128" b="128" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="128" g="128" b="218" />
                  <BOLD bool="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]></str>
                     <colour r="128" g="128" b="218" />
                  <BOLD bool="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]></str>
                  <BOLD bool="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]></str>
                  <BOLD bool="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]></str>
                  <BOLD bool="0" />
                  <BOLD bool="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[User keyword]]></str>
                     <colour r="0" g="255" b="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Active line]]></str>
                  <keywords />
               <str><![CDATA[dark gray]]></str>
                     <colour r="255" g="255" b="255" />
                     <colour r="42" g="56" b="54" />
                     <colour r="255" g="255" b="255" />
                     <colour r="42" g="56" b="54" />
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                  <BOLD bool="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]></str>
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                     <colour r="140" g="196" b="255" />
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                     <colour r="255" g="230" b="80" />
                  <BOLD bool="0" />
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                     <colour r="255" g="128" b="0" />
                     <colour r="255" g="128" b="0" />
                     <colour r="115" g="210" b="22" />
                     <colour r="255" g="0" b="128" />
                     <colour r="128" g="128" b="128" />
                     <colour r="64" g="128" b="128" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Active line]]></str>
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                     <colour r="245" g="245" b="245" />
                     <colour r="245" g="245" b="245" />
                     <colour r="135" g="135" b="135" />
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                     <colour r="135" g="135" b="135" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="135" g="135" b="135" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="135" g="135" b="135" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="135" g="135" b="135" />
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                     <colour r="135" g="135" b="135" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]></str>
                  <BOLD bool="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]></str>
                     <colour r="255" g="128" b="64" />
                  <BOLD bool="0" />
                     <colour r="156" g="37" b="166" />
                  <BOLD bool="0" />
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                     <colour r="0" g="155" b="45" />
                     <colour r="0" g="128" b="255" />
                     <colour r="0" g="255" b="0" />
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                     <colour r="238" g="238" b="236" />
                     <colour r="46" g="52" b="54" />
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                     <colour r="136" g="138" b="133" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="136" g="138" b="133" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="136" g="138" b="133" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]></str>
                     <colour r="52" g="101" b="164" />
                  <BOLD bool="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]></str>
                     <colour r="164" g="0" b="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]></str>
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                     <colour r="78" g="154" b="6" />
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                     <colour r="30" g="3" b="0" />
                     <colour r="185" g="49" b="0" />
                     <colour r="30" g="3" b="0" />
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                     <colour r="164" g="0" b="0" />
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                     <str><![CDATA[No matching brace highlight]]></str>
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               <str><![CDATA[son of obsidian]]></str>
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                     <colour r="241" g="242" b="243" />
                     <colour r="34" g="40" b="42" />
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]></str>
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                     <colour r="103" g="140" b="177" />
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                     <colour r="236" g="118" b="0" />
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                     <colour r="80" g="80" b="80" />
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               <str><![CDATA[solarized light]]></str>
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                     <colour r="253" g="246" b="227" />
                     <colour r="88" g="110" b="117" />
                     <colour r="253" g="246" b="227" />
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]></str>
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                     <colour r="42" g="161" b="152" />
                     <colour r="42" g="161" b="152" />
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]></str>
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                     <colour r="42" g="161" b="152" />
                     <colour r="42" g="161" b="152" />
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               <str><![CDATA[modnokai coffee]]></str>
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                     <colour r="255" g="255" b="255" />
                     <colour r="39" g="40" b="34" />
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="128" g="255" b="255" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="128" g="255" b="255" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]></str>
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                     <colour r="0" g="255" b="0" />
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                     <colour r="255" g="0" b="255" />
                     <colour r="255" g="0" b="0" />
                     <colour r="0" g="0" b="255" />
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                     <str><![CDATA[Active line]]></str>
               <str><![CDATA[slush n poppies]]></str>
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                     <colour r="241" g="241" b="241" />
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="64" g="96" b="64" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]></str>
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                     <colour r="192" g="48" b="48" />
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                     <colour r="171" g="171" b="171" />
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                     <colour r="255" g="0" b="0" />
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                     <colour r="0" g="0" b="0" />
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                     <str><![CDATA[Matching brace highlight]]></str>
                        <str><![CDATA[_DEBUG=1 __cplusplus __GNUC__ __GNUG__]]></str>
               <str><![CDATA[modnokai night shift v2]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
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                     <colour r="117" g="113" b="94" />
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]></str>
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                  <ITALICS bool="1" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]></str>
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                  <ITALICS bool="1" />
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                  <ITALICS bool="1" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]></str>
                     <colour r="128" g="255" b="128" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]></str>
                     <colour r="255" g="128" b="128" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]></str>
                     <colour r="255" g="128" b="128" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]></str>
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                     <colour r="224" g="160" b="0" />
                     <colour r="249" g="38" b="114" />
                     <colour r="166" g="226" b="46" />
                     <colour r="17" g="64" b="76" />
                     <colour r="34" g="40" b="42" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Active line]]></str>
                        <str><![CDATA[__cplusplus __GNUC__ __GNUG__]]></str>
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                     <colour r="24" g="8" b="8" />
                     <colour r="244" g="128" b="0" />
                     <colour r="24" g="8" b="8" />
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                     <str><![CDATA[Default (inactive)]]></str>
                     <colour r="224" g="96" b="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Default (inactive)]]></str>
                     <colour r="224" g="96" b="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Default (inactive)]]></str>
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                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="160" g="64" b="32" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="160" g="64" b="32" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="160" g="64" b="32" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="160" g="64" b="32" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="160" g="64" b="32" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]></str>
                     <colour r="160" g="64" b="32" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]></str>
                     <colour r="160" g="64" b="32" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]></str>
                     <colour r="160" g="64" b="32" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]></str>
                     <colour r="160" g="64" b="32" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]></str>
                     <colour r="160" g="64" b="32" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]></str>
                     <colour r="160" g="64" b="32" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]></str>
                     <colour r="160" g="160" b="32" />
                  <BOLD bool="1" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]></str>
                     <colour r="160" g="160" b="32" />
                  <BOLD bool="1" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]></str>
                     <colour r="160" g="64" b="160" />
                  <BOLD bool="1" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]></str>
                     <colour r="160" g="64" b="160" />
                  <BOLD bool="1" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]></str>
                     <colour r="255" g="224" b="32" />
                     <colour r="224" g="192" b="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Number (inactive)]]></str>
                     <colour r="255" g="224" b="32" />
                     <colour r="224" g="192" b="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Keyword (inactive)]]></str>
                     <colour r="255" g="160" b="160" />
                  <BOLD bool="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[User keyword]]></str>
                     <colour r="192" g="128" b="128" />
                  <BOLD bool="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[User keyword (inactive)]]></str>
                     <colour r="224" g="64" b="160" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Global classes and typedefs]]></str>
                     <colour r="192" g="32" b="128" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Global classes and typedefs (inactive)]]></str>
                     <colour r="160" g="224" b="0" />
                     <colour r="160" g="224" b="0" />
                     <colour r="160" g="224" b="0" />
                     <colour r="128" g="192" b="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[String (inactive)]]></str>
                     <colour r="128" g="192" b="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[String (inactive)]]></str>
                     <colour r="160" g="224" b="0" />
                     <colour r="128" g="192" b="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Character (inactive)]]></str>
                     <colour r="255" g="64" b="0" />
                     <colour r="64" g="192" b="32" />
                     <colour r="32" g="160" b="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Preprocessor (inactive)]]></str>
                     <colour r="255" g="16" b="0" />
                     <colour r="192" g="0" b="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Operator (inactive)]]></str>
                     <colour r="96" g="32" b="32" />
                     <colour r="64" g="16" b="16" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Active line]]></str>
                     <colour r="255" g="224" b="32" />
                     <colour r="24" g="8" b="8" />
                     <str><![CDATA[Matching brace highlight]]></str>
                     <colour r="255" g="224" b="32" />
                     <colour r="224" g="32" b="0" />
                     <str><![CDATA[No matching brace highlight]]></str>
                     <colour r="192" g="96" b="255" />
                     <str><![CDATA[wxSmith-generated code]]></str>
                     <colour r="160" g="64" b="224" />
                     <str><![CDATA[wxSmith-generated code (inactive)]]></str>
                        <str><![CDATA[Box Color Pos]]></str>
                        <str><![CDATA[__cplusplus __GNUC__ __GNUG__]]></str>

Deixe um comentário

2 × cinco =

Wagner Gaspar

Capixaba de São Gabriel da Palha, Espírito Santo. Bacharel em Ciência da Computação pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas e mestre em informática pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.